

My name is Ike. I am a writer. I drink way too much herbal tea and believe in the power of kindness, love and a good book.

I blog about Relationships, God and Style!

About Pages by Ike

Pages by Ike is a safe space that fosters learning and growth in unison through un-sober reflections! No pretension. No judgement.

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Experience: Pigtails and Dandies

Experience: Pigtails and Dandies

Primary 6. My birthday. I believe I was dressed in something festive and frilly, probably pink and with a lot of tulle. I had my hair in neatly oiled nappy pigtails with twin, pink hair bobbles.

It was customary, at the school I attended, to celebrate your birthday, out of your uniform, in party clothes - all dolled-up and of course, as the center of attention for the day. No one could get enough of you. Suddenly, you had quite a few more friends than you did last week, mostly because at break time, your mum was going to arrive at school with a very colorful cake, several packs of sweets, packets of Dandy and Robot chewing gums, and glorious crates of Coca cola and Fanta. Sugar-high for days, baby!

On this particular birthday, I was indeed dolled up. I was ready. I was the realest MVP. Mum was coming and we, all, would soon be swimming and splashing in candy. Break-time came and I smugly looked outside the window (I had a good view of the school gate) and was certain I'd see mum coming in with the school janitor helping her with the "stuff".

Hmmnn. No mum. No sweets. No dandy. No candy.

Quickly, my MVP status vanished and I was left by myself. All those friends and dandy-lovers ditched me the moment break-time was over. One of my friends stayed though. Her name was Bimbo. She hung with me and we both waited for my mum. I can't explain how devastated I was. A no-show on your birthday was like dressing up, leaving your house and going to your fave restaurant and realizing the restaurant had been burnt down the night before! OK, it wasn't that bad, but you get me, though?

I remained in my class, on my seat; I wouldn't step a foot out. Err... because what's the point if you have no dandy to show! Dandy was the life. Bimbo stayed and cheered me up. She might have offered me some of her stuff to celebrate, she was known to do stuff like that and she always had sweets in her lunch box. The last period of school came and as I now had been secluded to the "meh"-section of class, (it's very possible my partner moved to another seat: No Dandy, No love), I mopped; my puffy pigtails made me look like a sad Minnie Mouse.

Just as last period starts, from the corner of my eye, I see a little commotion outside the window; the school janitor is carrying a brown carton of something, someone else, behind him is carrying crates of Fanta and Coke! My eyes light up as I see mum in tow, walking swiftly in her clogs, a brightly colored satin dress draped delicately over her slender frame, two huge black and white shopping bags on both arms! I remember being full of so much joy and delight but I couldn't speak because class was on.

Mum came into class, all glorious and colorful, with sweets and goodies for days. In an instant, the dandy-lovers were all over me again, even more intensely than before! Bimbo, of course, became my right-hand girl, the vice president in charge of the dandies and Fantas. I don't think I ate anything, I was just delighted to see mum!

One day, when many people have given up hope, "moved on" and have secluded Him into the "meh" corner, God will come, glorious and brightly colored with angels singing and goodies for eternity. Don't ditch God because you think he won't come. I know, I know He has been arriving for a while now but He's only taking this long because he wants everyone to be saved or at least get a chance at it. He will come. Don't desert your faith. Stick to it.

Stick to the unseen dandy!

Do you ever wonder if God will arrive when you least expect? What was your favorite birthday memory as a child? God bless the Bimbo's in our lives! Who remembers dandy and robot? Lol! If you'd like to meet Jesus, you can, here!

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