

My name is Ike. I am a writer. I drink way too much herbal tea and believe in the power of kindness, love and a good book.

I blog about Relationships, God and Style!

About Pages by Ike

Pages by Ike is a safe space that fosters learning and growth in unison through un-sober reflections! No pretension. No judgement.

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The obvious solution to Doze-Praying

The obvious solution to Doze-Praying

I woke up to this new track from Hillsong and to my new neighbors on the floor above, creaking around on their newly laid wood floors. In between frowning at the ceiling (I thought at a point they had fallen through and were actually now sitting on my bed with that racket!lol) and doze-praying, I got to tell Jesus that he's my only . Believe it or not, it was probably the most intimate time Jesus and I have had this week with trying to set the blog up. There were a couple of breakdowns in the process but hey, even though I was busy, God still put the "umph!" in my triumph!

So doze-praying...... If you doze-pray put your hands up! I am working on that part of my life and the answer to this problem is pretty obvious. I've decided to be aggressive about it. Here's my plan: 

  • Get OFF the bed when my prayer alarm goes off
  • Wear my glasses( I don't know why but my glasses wake me up, makes my eyes focus)
  • Brush my teeth and splash some cold water (I'm still unsure about the cold water)
  • Get a cup of tea at my desk
  • I might eat an apple( studies show apples wake us up with a stronger punch than coffee!)

Yeah, so there's my humble plan. If you are being aggressive too or have overcome doze-praying, please share below!!!!

Also....check out the new track, guys! Enjoy!

Have a fab weekend.


Get Over Him on a Budget! (tried and tested)

Get Over Him on a Budget! (tried and tested)

Happy New Blog!

Happy New Blog!