

My name is Ike. I am a writer. I drink way too much herbal tea and believe in the power of kindness, love and a good book.

I blog about Relationships, God and Style!

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PGI's November Girl: Akor(The Techy Creative)

PGI's November Girl: Akor(The Techy Creative)

I was torn between "The Techy Creative" and "The Inspiration Sparkle" for Akor's PGI Girl tag. "Inspiration Sparkle", because she literally goes around sprinkling inspiration dust without even knowing. I find her oblivion darling and refreshingly modest! I tell you, I spent 4 months trying to convince her to be a PGI girl. Her argument was that she had nothing to share and she wasn't aware of any inspiration she was responsible for. Well, think again. At the end of the post are 4 things I learnt during this interview with Akor. 

After cyber-stalking her for a while, she finally said Yes! I think she was trying to get rid of me. Haha! I'm joking. Akor is a creative writer who works in I.T. In our interview, we chat about creativity in I.T. We also chat about boyfriends, banga soup, and modeling experiences! Did we laugh a lot? Errr...definitely! 

Please meet the beautiful and wonderfully witty Akor.


You have the prettiest name. What is your full name? Where are you from?

Akorwuotomi Oluwatowoju Akpenyi;

Agbor, Delta State

I love your names! What do they mean? 

Akor means Wisdom is life

Oluwatowoju means God is enough to look upon (Yoruba)

What's the coolest thing about Delta state?

Our pounded yam and banga soup. Not of this world!

Banga soup...hmmn! I almost lost an ex to banga soup one time...

Yeah, you didn't stand a chance *straight face*

Yep, I think it ended that very moment. I have many questions about banga soup. What's the magic? What's the most important ingredient of this soup?

*laughs* Palm oil makes all the difference, in my opinion. Fish, stock fish or meat make it good but if you get the palm oil wrong, I don't think there's a remedy.


Three ideal ways to start your day?

A) Most ideal: wake up on the beach, just before dawn, watch the sun rise and maybe do a dance to God for creating such a view *dreamy look*

Back to Reality 

B) Wake up before dawn, still, spend some time quietly recalling and meditating on the last bible scripture I read. Ideally, I'd like to stay there until the thoughts of God’s love and care make me smile.

C) Someone interrupts my sleep before dawn to give me gist! *laughs* I don't want you to think I like gist! I know it sounds like I'm a morning person but I'm not (at least not yet). I prefer to be up before dawn to prepare for the morning. 

Favorite smell? Dodo or Rain?

Rain! Babey, rain! *laughs*

What are you reading these days?

The Greatest Salesman in the World (A life-changing read). Even though it's a book that teaches the principles of marketing and sales. It also holds a lot of life lessons applicable to our daily lives. It actually has helped my spiritual life. It taught me to personalize my confessions, scriptures prayers and God's promises.

The most challenging thing about being a model?


I have to think back as it's been a while. I haven’t done any professional modelling jobs in a bit.  Finding an inner excitement for every picture, even if I had been on my feet for hours and entirely famished

How do you keep that beautiful face so straight?!

I think of the final picture. No one wants a smirk in a fierce look

A reader of PGI once advised models to “flirt with the lenses?” during shoots. Is that what you do? Are lenses lovers? #modelwisdom

Well, for ‘flirting’ I think it depends on the mood of the shoot e.g. a sexy shot. But in general, I just look at the lens like it is the eyes of someone who loves me. Someone who sees no wrong in me. It boosts confidence regardless of the context in which you’re shooting


How did you get into modeling? What’s your fave part of a shoot?

I just finished NYSC. I needed to make money, also I was bored.

Every part of the shoot can be great with the right music and amazing crew. But makeup is the least interesting for me. I actually hardly wear makeup to work. On Fridays, I do, much to the delight of my colleagues *laughs*

What do you do for work?

I work at an IT firm as a business analyst/Innovation incubator

 How much creativity are you allowed in IT?

Well, not much, until I joined my current firm in this new role. My role involves me thinking about creative ways to make IT attractive to the average individual (mostly Nigerian), and then actually getting them to use it! *laughs*

What skills would you say are most important to survive working in IT?

There are different skills peculiar to the different IT roles. For technical roles, Certifications! Certifications! Certifications! In general, I’d just say read the news…stay abreast of IT trends and forecasts. The possibilities in technology are almost endless.


Do you doodle or daydream? 


Doodles rule

Doodles rule


 Okada or Napep?

I’d rather trek (no kidding)

Okada riders in Lagos are auditioning for "Fast and Furious Naija", I've never been a fan. A few months ago, I would have chosen Napep, until this thing happened...I was in a Napep and we almost got crushed by an oncoming truck because the Napep driver drove so recklessly. I asked the guy why he drove that way, and he goes “Ah! Na God hold our life, if he say time don reach, e don reach”. In other words, he was suicidal.

So, yeah, if I had to choose between Okada and Napep, I'll buy a bottle of water and start my walk.


The word ‘man’ is synonymous to …..

 Dab? Ham? *smiles* ok, Dude, Protector, Motivator.

What age did you begin to write?

 I was about 14, it got me through a difficult time of my life.

Favorite poet?


What’s your most recurring writing theme?

“Live the hell out of life” (literally too)

If you had to write "Live the Hell Out of Life For Dummies" what would be the summary of the book in 3 sentences?

You are enough. Don't store up your magic because you worry about running out; so put your first foot forward everyday and watch how you evolve into new wonders each day. Love brings meaning to everything.

3 things on your bucket list?

I've had to redo this list a number of times *laughs* but somethings have stayed a while:

A) Perform in/ organize a flash mob

B) Get photographed by Jeremy Cowart 

C) Learn a rap song


What’s your weirdest muse?

I love to read God’s message to the people of Israel at different times in the bible. It portrayed a very intense love involving a lot of chasing and wooing and vexing and loving proclamations. lol

For example, just look at Isaiah 28:12

“God has told his people,

“Here is a place of rest;

    let the weary rest here.

This is a place of quiet rest.”

    But they would not listen

So the Lord will spell out his message for them again,

one line at a time,

    one line at a time,

a little here,

    and a little there,

so that they will stumble and fall.

    They will be injured, trapped, and captured”

Song stuck in your head these days?

  Holy Spirit by Kari Jobe

If you had God over for dinner, what would you make?

I’m not a great cook, so I think I would dance for Him instead. Really, I have this dance choreographed in my head for God. I plan to perform for Him when I get to heaven.

What song would you dance to?

Ty Bello's 'Dance for you' and Big Daddy Weaves's 'Without You'


Do you drive in Lagos? Ever outsmarted LASTMA?

*sigh* Yes, I drive o. haha I haven’t outsmarted them. Unless you agree that refusing to ‘tip’ them and choosing to pay the normal fine was pretty smart *laughs*

What’s your idea of a perfect date?

Lots and lots of laughter, food and great music and maybe some randomness- some dancing.


Favorite nail polish color?


What’s your hidden talent?

I must say I’m pretty good at the Rock’s “Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?” eyebrow thing…for both eyebrows! A pretty big deal I know.

I loved our Skype call but this hidden talent was the highlight of it all! Thank you, Akor!

"Can you smell what Akor is cooking?"

"Can you smell what Akor is cooking?"

4 Things I Learnt

1. You can lose your boyfriend, if he is lured away with Banga soup. Fact.

2. During your quiet time with God, sit there until you feel Him. Feel His love and His arms.

3. A camera does not judge you. 

4. Do not hoard your magic or your best work! Always put your best stuff out there!

Thank you so much, Akor, for being PGI's November girl! Love you loads!


PGI loves to honor everyday people who inspire. The great news is, we are all capable of inspiring! Do you know someone who inspires? Click here and share with us!

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