

My name is Ike. I am a writer. I drink way too much herbal tea and believe in the power of kindness, love and a good book.

I blog about Relationships, God and Style!

About Pages by Ike

Pages by Ike is a safe space that fosters learning and growth in unison through un-sober reflections! No pretension. No judgement.

About you

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Unplugged and Found

Unplugged and Found

Forgive me! I haven't posted in 30 days!

Life happened. I happened, actually. I happened to Life and it has been trying to catch its breath ever since. Still, I apologize.

Ed and I chose to be unplugged from social media over the last few weeks. I thought I wouldn't survive, but here I am sipping on a strawberry-banana-broccoli smoothie.

My last post was published 30 days ago. Within that time, I turned 29, I took on a new leadership role, God and I went on many dates, I soaked myself in experiences, unplugged from social media and TV and improved my communication skills.

I developed myself as writer, and of course, my purpose in life became clearer.

If you were wondering, that's where I've been. I missed being here with you. Cyber-blown-kisses to everyone who came looking for me, and also to those who didn't. Hope March flooded your life with light.

How have you been? What great things have you been up to in the last 30 days? 

Letters to my Greatgrand Daughter: Your Inner Samurai

Letters to my Greatgrand Daughter: Your Inner Samurai

PGI x ÀSÀ WEST | PGI Girls' Give-Away

PGI x ÀSÀ WEST | PGI Girls' Give-Away