

My name is Ike. I am a writer. I drink way too much herbal tea and believe in the power of kindness, love and a good book.

I blog about Relationships, God and Style!

About Pages by Ike

Pages by Ike is a safe space that fosters learning and growth in unison through un-sober reflections! No pretension. No judgement.

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The Inspiration Bug Bite

The Inspiration Bug Bite

Let's play a game.


Step One: Choose a bug, an insect- your favorite bug.


Pause. You must understand how difficult this game is for me, I don't like bugs at all. I choose the Ladybug. Muhaha. I chose the best, huh? I'm willing to share though. Anything with a thorax and more than four legs is just too much. Ok, so Ladybug, with a glossy, dome-shaped red back and black polka dots, perfectly rounded. That's me. Have you chosen yours?

Step Two: Think about the last time you inspired someone. Before you say you've never inspired anyone before, you have. We all have. According to the Cambridge dictionary, the verb "inspire" means

"To fill someone with the confidence and the desire to do something!"

When was the last time you knowingly encouraged somebody to do something; when last did you fill someone with the confidence to do something they've been terrified of, something they thought they were poor at? When was the last time you pumped somebody's chest by the ascertaining their abilities? When was the last time you buzzed around their ears and whispered words of encouragement and then bit them with a fine dose of inspiration! Hehe.

Still don't think you've inspired anyone before? Dear reader, the fact that you read this blog inspires me. The fact that you hit that URL or that link, it encourages and fills me with confidence and the desire to keep doing this! That's inspiration for you there! Bam!

Step Three: Say to yourself, "I Inspire. I am an inspiration, to be more specific, I am an inspirational *insert your fave insect's name*"

For me, I'm an inspirational Ladybug! Now on my way to bite someone. You need to bite someone, guys!

What type of inspirational bug are you? Who are you going to bite today?

Wait, can I choose a fairy? Do fairies count? Who chose the butterfly? Who chose the praying Mantis? The roach is too deep. Cringe. Thanks for reading!

Hey, Boo, Whatchu Got there in Your Hands?

Hey, Boo, Whatchu Got there in Your Hands?

Double Num: Breakfast and a Book

Double Num: Breakfast and a Book