

My name is Ike. I am a writer. I drink way too much herbal tea and believe in the power of kindness, love and a good book.

I blog about Relationships, God and Style!

About Pages by Ike

Pages by Ike is a safe space that fosters learning and growth in unison through un-sober reflections! No pretension. No judgement.

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4 (+ 1) Questions Bloggers Ask Me All The Time

4 (+ 1) Questions Bloggers Ask Me All The Time

Below are four questions new and seasoned bloggers ask me about PagesbyIke and my blogging experience. Come to think about it, readers ask question #1 all the time. Hmm, what are they all trying to say? 


#1 "Where do you get your ideas from?" (What they are really asking is, "Do you think, somehow, someway, you might be a nutcase?)

Lol! Well, yes. I've always been a little nutty but who isn't, right? *hollow empty silence*. I guess it's just me then. Anyway, I believe I get my ideas when I am still, when I'm not fidgety and when I have peace with God and peeps. They just come at me and slap me in the face. Wet slaps in the shower, while driving. Anywhere.

Tip: Create Me-time. Clean your heart out. You need creative space and peace to channel your energy.

#2 "Where do you get your photos?"

I use photographs from stock photo sites such as and My husband, Ed takes some photos and I do some photography as well. I also work with David Bragdon who is a great photographer and always makes shoots too fun!

Tip: Buy a camera. Just do it. Return those Ted Baker shoes and buy a camera.

#3 "Ike,*sigh* how do I start my blog?"

Just write. That's what my husband tells me. It's the best advice anyone could ever give you. Don't get boggled down by the logistics and site-hosts, just write. There are many pretty blogs no one reads. Content, however, is to live and die for!

Tip: After reading this, write 5 posts, 300 words each about 5 independent situations that interest you! Do it, yes you can! Yes, you can!

#4 "What if people judge me?"

When I started blogging, my friend said to me, 'You are about to open yourself up to a lot of scrutiny, people will do screen shots of your writing, take you and your literal work apart literally." He asked if I was ok with that. I sighed. I am a very private person you see, so it was a hard pill to swallow but I did anyway with some chilled mango juice. Swallowed it. You have to be willing to accept that side of the job. It's kind of a work-hazard, if you know what I mean. I've had a few run-ins with critics but I can assure you, those who you reach and serve through your writing are far more important and rewarding than any critic.

Tip #1: Say with me "Judgement is sexy!"

Tip #2: Keep improving your writing skills. Don't ever stop!

#5 Whenever you refer to someone as "my friend" in a blog post, are you really talking about yourself?

Haha! Always my friend and I always get permission too. I won't publish until I get permission to use their story, as a rule.

Tip: When your friends agree to their story being used on your platform, let them choose their pseudonyms! Fun.

Do you have any questions for this blogger? Do you need tips for your blog launch? Someone needs to have a blog-launch party and invite us, please! I hope this post helped you. Please remember to share!

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