

My name is Ike. I am a writer. I drink way too much herbal tea and believe in the power of kindness, love and a good book.

I blog about Relationships, God and Style!

About Pages by Ike

Pages by Ike is a safe space that fosters learning and growth in unison through un-sober reflections! No pretension. No judgement.

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One Thing to do with Those Pretty Lips

One Thing to do with Those Pretty Lips

I spend about 8 minutes applying my lipstick. To make my lip color pop, I color both lips with a lipliner pencil similar in color to my lipstick. At this stage, it already looks like I'm wearing lipstick...and sometimes, I get distracted, I start doing something else, forget to wear my lipstick and go out with penciled-in lips(lol)! Only the make-up savvy girls who see me know my blunder- but who isn't make-up savvy these days?

After filling in with lip-liner, I plump it up with my lipstick, which instantly pops the color. The underlying liner helps prevent your lip lines/cracks from showing through the lipstick. It also helps your lipstick stay on longer.


Right after this, I blend and get rid of the color bleeds.

Some people use a concealer and concealer brush to line their lips to make sure it's well sculpted. 

Either way, you end up with great looking lips! 

Imagine that after all of this, my lips looking as magnificent as heaven's pearls, I part those marvelous lips- and less pearly, less magnificent, less heavenly things begin to come out of them- lies, derisive words, gossip.

I know gossip, especially, is yum. It's like a platter of grilled, peppered croaker fish with a side of fried plantain and crushed peppered sauce. It's beyond me why it tastes so good and apparently, the worse the situation is for the person we are talking about, the spicier the croaker and the softer the plantain.

Spicy, soft or not, gossip is unpleasant and no longer fashionable. There I said it, it's not trending anymore. 

The next time you get an opportunity to gossip, shut it down, blend those pretty lips and talk about something else.

What do you think sparks up gossip? I'd love to know your thoughts! 

Your Wedding day is not the Happiest Day of your Life

Your Wedding day is not the Happiest Day of your Life

7 Quirky Phobias and the People who benefit from them.

7 Quirky Phobias and the People who benefit from them.