

My name is Ike. I am a writer. I drink way too much herbal tea and believe in the power of kindness, love and a good book.

I blog about Relationships, God and Style!

About Pages by Ike

Pages by Ike is a safe space that fosters learning and growth in unison through un-sober reflections! No pretension. No judgement.

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Pages by Ike's Exciting News for July!

Pages by Ike's Exciting News for July!


July is almost here! I feel like it's everyone's favorite month, secretly anyway.

70% of my relatives have their birthdays in July, which you can imagine means the joyful crashing sounds of piggy banks and the popping sounds of party streamers! 

July is also hotdog month in some part of the world and nude recreation month somewhere...else. *blink*

In the spirit of all the fun, I thought we could have a little party of our own here!

About July

This month, PGI will be introducing the "Real Stories- Dating Like Crazy" series, featuring real-life stories, of real people telling their  funny and not-so-funny stories, most importantly sharing with us what they've learnt on their dating journey!

Our sole intention is to learn from these stories, as you know by now that Pages by Ike encourages learning and sharing; learning from our experiences and the experiences of others and sharing with others, so they can benefit as well.

About The Contributors

Our contributors are everyday people, not pro-writers. The emotions are true and their stories are unfeigned. 

It has taken a lot of courage and vulnerability for these people to share their experiences, so please honor them with your kind words and laugh as you deem fit but remember these are real people with scars to show. 

I appreciate them! They are truly sterling!

How can you help? 

You can help by reading and sharing your own experiences and/or knowledge on the matter.

I believe one person's experience enables others to make better decisions, so please don't forget to share! Someone might need that particular story!


Running through July, there will be two Dating-Like-Crazy posts every week, one from the girls and another from the guys, starting this saturday!

I'm too excited! Can't wait, can't wait. Can't wait. Can't wait for you, July! 

Don't miss a story! 

Subscribe here. Follow on IG here and send a private comment here. Oh, bloglovin' over there!

PGI's July Girl: MOPE (The Dope Girl-Next-Door)

PGI's July Girl: MOPE (The Dope Girl-Next-Door)

Harry's Potter

Harry's Potter