

My name is Ike. I am a writer. I drink way too much herbal tea and believe in the power of kindness, love and a good book.

I blog about Relationships, God and Style!

About Pages by Ike

Pages by Ike is a safe space that fosters learning and growth in unison through un-sober reflections! No pretension. No judgement.

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Feed Me Back, Please!

Feed Me Back, Please!

Hey, hey, everyone! 

It's the end of a third of 2016 (o wow, it's almost May!) and it's feedback season somewhere in the world and here on PagesbyIke! I'd like to ask you to please provide me with some feedback, so that visiting the blog can be a better experience for you. Let me know what your favorite posts were; what made you laugh, frown or pout. What topics did you enjoy reading the most? If you also have specific topics you'd like to see addressed, please drop a message below or send me a message here! You can get as specific as you want! 

Here are the top 10 read posts of 2015! #EarlyThrowback.  Enjoy!

1. Hello First Marital shock: Bank of Daddy to Bank of Bae

2. What happens in Vegas, does not stay in Vegas..not really

3. 5 strange things i do in an Airbnb! Haha! Most consistent habits of mine

4. How to avoid a "Bleep Better Have My Money" incident /This always makes me think of all the phantom people i owe money

5. Long Distance Relationships: You, Her and Jack ; On pilfering someone's girlfriend

6. Letters to my Great-grand Daughter: The Assassination of Mary (I love Marys, I do!)

7. Love, Angels and Grunts; How to be a good friend and not go crazy

8. Abi's story: Married to a Jerk

9. 9 Unusual but Effective Couple habits

10. 12 ways to hack culture shock! I still read this post, probably every other month!

Which was your favorite then and now?

Please remember to drop your comments! Thanks!

5 Awesome Things I miss About Lagos

5 Awesome Things I miss About Lagos

Watching Another Person find the One

Watching Another Person find the One