

My name is Ike. I am a writer. I drink way too much herbal tea and believe in the power of kindness, love and a good book.

I blog about Relationships, God and Style!

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Pages by Ike is a safe space that fosters learning and growth in unison through un-sober reflections! No pretension. No judgement.

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40 Things You Can Relate With If You Went To ISI

40 Things You Can Relate With If You Went To ISI

Everyday I stepped through the gates of The International School of Ibadan (ISI), it was like stepping unto the set of a reality show. All that intrigue and drama, phew! We had our own culture- our own way of doing things, that was very, very peculiar to us; case in point, boys filling the pond with water and throwing girls in. Lol!

Thank you to all our teachers. You were truly brave and wonderful. I would probably have a panic attack if I had to teach ISI students!

One thing is certain still, we really should have had our own reality show.

Here are 40 things to make you smile (or not smile) as we celebrate ISI's anniversary today! If you didn't go to ISI, please read it anyway, tell us if there are any similarities with your old secondary school? What do you miss about secondary school? 

40 Things you can relate with if you went to ISI

1. Delight when NEPA cuts off electricity during assembly
2. Trying to make it into the pedestrian gate before Oga T closes it
3. Sitting on an open notebook during assembly (girls)
4. By JS 3, you know not to sit on the center pages because of the stapler pin
5. "Picking field" for talking to a boy...and he still doesn't 'val' you(boarders)
6. The he-likes-you bench position: legs astride the bench facing you
7. Graffiti central-PTA block (Rated 18) Main block (Rated 30);
8. Lunch time peppered chicken--levels Lol!
9. Putting a book in your trousers while getting flogged on assembly
10.Pretending you don't want to play Devil's basket
11. Eating jollof rice and beef on Friday afternoons (boarders)
12. Watching boarders eat jollof rice on Friday afternoons and your parents still haven't come to get you--"Ayo!", you wave to your boarder friend frantically, fried meat is bae(day-students)
13. Ledge
14. The mystery of Imade on love lane
15. Eba cake for valentine's day
16. Mr. Tony's pie
17. Fan milk seller-sold out by 3.45pm! Anytime after that, she offers you a liquid, lukewarm pineapple fan lolly
18. The water tanker dude slamming his brakes to splash water on students *smh*
19. Mr. Adeyemi (points to left side of the board): Have you finished copying this section?
      Noise-makers: No!
      2 students: Yes!
      Mr. Adeyemi (looks at us noisemakers for a second. Cleans board)
20. Soirée
21. Doing absolutely nothing for your sport-house but celebrating and gloating at Victory dance anyway! Up Osun!
22. The most unvisited section of school grounds-counselor's office
23. Valentine's Day. Cake. No knife. Solution: Ruler.
24. When bae has Food and Nut practicals*grin*
25. Music room air-conditioning+history of Bach = Sleep
26. Whoever used the laundry room?
27. ISI baby (youngest student in Js 1) had a cake, it was never enough to feed everyone to their hearts' content
28. Short-hand verbal test (lmao) "Payday is today". Answers already in the book
29. Bush path
30. "Aluta" drama
31. When you get to school in the middle of second period and you go straight to the library
32. "Abere ajesara"- first time I mentally used the F word
33. 14 into bracket q equals a-one-a four Q *in Mr. Akintunde's voice
34.  When your parents reference Bosun Adeoti in every statement *RME*
35. Problem list
36. Da don spooky "wuz ere" -graffiti
37. Matron's zobo
38. Competing brands: "Iyawo"; "Mama K"
39. Students' assembly thrill. Eagerly awaiting to hear the gist and then they go ahead and insult you. *blank stare* lol!
40. "Sponsor!"

What was your favorite memory from ISI? What do you miss the most about your secondary school (high school)?

Happy birthday, ISI! 

The guys' uniforms had always been cuter anyway.

The guys' uniforms had always been cuter anyway.




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